I Need You To Survive.mp3

In this life everyone has to go through or deal with something...

You are a Fighter when you are dealing with a circumstance of life that requires much of your time and attention.

You are a Winner when what you have been dealing with has now reached a point of control.

You are a Survivor when you have maintained the point of control that you had reached and are moving forward.

NOTE: Hit pause above on the music player before playing the video.

About Us

Our mission is to encourage and raise awareness for overcoming obstacles and changing minds through visual, emotional, and spiritual support to individuals going through a life circumstance.

 At Fight...Win...Survive we want to foster an environment with motivation and high morale before, during and after your time of need. We want to bring focus and attention to your FIGHT...WIN...and SURVIVAL!

It's Bigger Than Just You and/or Me!

Cancer...HIV/AIDS...Lupus...Heart Attack...Stroke...Drug Addiction...Mental Illness...Domestic Violence...Multiple Sclerosis...Muscular Dystrophy...Diabetes...Chronic Kidney Disease...Parkinson's Disease...Organ Donation...Developmental Disabilities...Disabilities Of Any Kind...Financial Issues...Marital Issues...Personal Issues...Weight Issues...School...Work...Sports...Major Car Accidents...Life!

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