Lord Prepare Me.mp3
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God speaks to us through His written word, the Bible. We speak to God through prayer. Prayer is one of the most important parts of a Christian’s life. Prayer has been defined as “communion with God” and is where we experience a relationship with God.
The Prayer Book is a resource which can be used to document your communion with God through prayer & supplication for yourself and for others. It will allow you to record written communication between you and God about the specific life circumstances or situations for someone whom you wish to intercede on behalf of through prayer and meditation.
The Prayer Book although small in size, next to the Bible, could be THE best book you’ve ever written (in) through the Power of Prayer operating through you! Use this book to be a blessing, not only for yourself, but most importantly, to be a blessing on behalf of others.
The Prayer Book features:
- The Nine Forms of Prayer,
- The Twelve Names of God and
- 150 journal entries to list the date, name and situation/circumstance of individuals that you will be praying for.

"O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever." Psalm 107:1 (KJV)
My Thanksgiving Journal was created to allow people to express their love & appreciation to God through daily meditations and reflections of the many blessings He has bestowed upon them.
For a few moments, and for each day for one year, My Thanksgiving Journal provides one the opportunity to express his/her heart of Thanksgiving to God, one day at a time. Use the My Thanksgiving Journal to write down what you are thankful for and cherish it as a momentous keepsake of your own personal expression of love & thanksgiving to God!
Every person who goes through life may be faced with many different circumstances or experiences that can have a life-changing impact upon them. Whether good or bad, positive or negative, individuals find themselves dealing with situations or issues of concern at times where they may need encouragement, support, or positive affirmation to either help them overcome or deal with the trials or challenges of life as well as to help them celebrate and enjoy the successes or achievements that have been ascertained.
Words of Wisdom, Points of Power, & Biblical Empowerment lends itself as a tool or resource that may be used to help offer guidance, insight, and acknowledgement of the various experiences one may be faced with in life. It covers an array of subjects or topics to help address all areas of life from a holistic standpoint spiritually, physically, mentally & emotionally, professionally, etc., and provides Biblical-based principles that may be exercised through faith and applied to everyday living.

This is the Fight…Win…Survive® Ministry Challenge Journal that compliments The Fight…Win…Survive® Ministry Challenge. This ministry partners with individuals to touch the lives of a minimum of 52 people who are going through a life circumstance in one year through "encounters." An "encounter" can consist of ministering to a family member, co-worker, church member, friend or a stranger through the giving of a Fight…Win…Survive® wristband to encourage a person to keep the faith.
This journal will allow for partners to reflect on each individual life they have "encountered."
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