- Our t-shirt (see sales channels below)
- Our wristband (you choose the color, one location will say Fight...Win...Survive and the other location will be your choice)
- Any of our books
To request more information click here.
NOTE: You do not have to sell our items to use our registered trademark. If you want permission to license the use of Fight…Win…Survive® for additional situations and/or campaigns please contact us.

T-Shirt Sales Channels
We offer four separate sales channels for our T-Shirts. No matter what sales channel is selected, our logo will appear on the front of every t-shirt. The sales channel will determine the back of the t-shirt. Our sales channels are:
1. Retail - T-Shirt with our logo on the front and our quote on the back (purchased directly from us).
2. Cause-Related Retail - T-Shirt with our logo on the front and our quote on the back, however we will donate a minimum of $3.00 per shirt sold when this is done. For example, we will donate $10.00 per pink (or designated t-shirt) purchased in the month of October to a partnered non-profit breast cancer organization.
3. Cause-Related Wholesale - T-Shirt with our logo on the front and our quote on the back. The difference here is you can set the t-shirt price to your supporters and (if requested) an individual's name can be placed on the back with our trademarked slogan (for example, Fight...Win...Survive Floyd!) This is great for coming together and rallying around an individual for visual, emotional and/or financial support.
4. Custom - T-Shirt with our logo on the front and you can put anything that you want on the back. This is great for organizational or sports-related events.
For more information about our sales opportunities please contact us.
* As a Cause-Related Wholesale or Custom sales partner you will be able to choose your t-shirt brand and color. Brand choices are as follows: Gildan Ultra Blend 50/50, Gildan Ultra Cotton, Canvas Unisex, Hanes Beefy-T, Hanes Tagless, Jerzees 50/50, Jerzees 100% Cotton, Champion Tagless, Anvil 100% Cotton and Anvil Heavyweight.
**For information on our cause-related or custom wristband fundraising opportunities, please click here.